Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Why is it important for a teenager to eat healthy foods?

Everyone strives to be healthy but now days it is quite difficult becasue of all the new and fattening foods that are readily available for us on a daily bases. By eating the right foods and staying healthy your body will be: strong, energized, and well nourished. By eating healthy you should strive to eat atleast three main course meals a day, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. When you feel like you need an extra boost of energy or you are feeling kindof tired you should eat a healthy snack such as an apple or a granola bar. In order to eat healthy you also should try and eat a variety of foods from the different food groups to balance out your intake of food consumption. Eating healthy doesn't always mean that you have to eat fruits and veggie's all the time, your body also needs sugars so to satisfy your craving of a sweet, one or two wont do any harm.

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