Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Create a 3-day diet plan that reflects your dietary recommendation.

Here is a chart of a healthy dietary intake of the foods you should consume.


Here is an example of a nutritious and healthy diet plan:

BREAKFAST: cheerios, honey bunches of oats, or special K cerial with 1% or skim milk. Some type of fruit such as an apple, orange or grapes. Finally either a glass of water, or orange juice depending on what items you chose previously.

LUNCH: Bean Borrito, an egg sandwich, peanut butter and jelly on wheat bread. If you have an enjoyment for chips try and stick to baked ones, they have less trans fats, and aren't as oily. With either a bottle water or some type of healthy 100% pure fruit juice of your choosing. With a fruit cup or a small salad.

DINNER: Cesar salad packed with veggetables, Salmon, or Fried tofu with brown rice. Asparagus, Soy beans, or a fruit cup. With a glass of water or milk.

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